Friday, January 1, 2010

Ornament Collection

I became a godmother in November when my nephew Blake was baptised. Truth be told, I'd be pondering for some time about a 'set' of some sort that could be given to him as he grows - instead of insignificant toys year after year. I'd thought about the train collection that Scott & Jamie are doing for my boys, but I figured they would do this for Blake as well, and they did.

So I'd thought about doing an ornament collection - an ornament every year so when he is older he has a complete set...great idea, except for it's January 1st and I've yet to get his first year's ornmanet. :(

And since it's January 1st, I'm cleaning and purging today - I came across pages I had torn from the Crate & Barrel catalog...too bad I didn't remember seeing their "12 Days of Christmas Ornament Set" (W2116; retail price $39.95) - that could be really cute for Blake. And then I remembered that Land of Nod also had a set. And yet both are sold out.

So, Jaime, note this for next year - and keep an eye on craiglist and ebay. :)

Crate and Barrel set (above)

Land of Nod set (above)

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