Friday, December 4, 2009

Pompom Gift Wrap

I saw this is the November 17, 2009 issue of Woman's Day - adorable!

"Spruce up your presents this Christmas with these adorable (and easy to make!) pompom decorations. Thanks to Laura Howard of the blog Bugs and Fishes ( for the fabulous craft idea.

materials: yarn (any type, cardboard, scissors)

- Cut out two "doughnuts" from the cardboard: 4" circles with a 1" hole in the center.
- Stack the doughnuts on top of each other. Wind a length of yarn through the center of the ring and around the cardboard until it's completely covered.
- Snip the loops of wrapped yarn around the outside edge of the doughnuts, then slide another length of yarn between the two doughnuts and knot in place. Remove the doughnuts, fluff up your pompom, trim the edges and secure it to a gift.

For a how-to-video, go to "

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, I love that blog you linked. She has some really neat ideas!
