Friday, October 2, 2009

You're Pregnant? My best piece of advice...

This is the one tip that I was given when pregnant, that I didn't do, and wish I woud have:

Whenever you are at Target (or Wal-Mart, or wherever you shop), add $20 (or whatever amount) to a gift card to be used later for diapers, formula, etc. You don't know what kind of diapers you might prefer (we are a Pampers family) or what kind of formula (if you need it) the baby might like, but by putting money on a gift card you are stocking up.

I rationalized that I should put that $20 towards the credit card bill, but I never paid the extra $20 anyway, so I should have just added it to the gift card. I kicked myself when I had issues nursing and therefore was putting $250/month (initially) towards formula. Now, that was for 2 babies, but still - that's a ton of money!!!

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